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International I Love Braids Day Braid Love Celebration- Brooklyn 2020

International I Love Braids Day Braid Love Celebration | Brooklyn

Theme: Juneteenth

Date: July 25, 2020

Place: 1360 Fulton Street, Restoration Plaza, Outdoor Concourse, Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn 11216

Time 2-8pm

Cost: FREE

Free outdoor festival, Braid Art, Vendors, Food, Music, Giveaways and so much more.!

IILBD Braid Love Celebration is a  joyous occasion to celebrate and honor the history and intricate design of Braids as a cultural and artistic expression of beauty. 

IILBD Braid Love Celebration is the outdoor celebration of International I Love Braids Day. The Celebration is always on the first Saturday before July 29th except when International I Love Braids Day falls on a Saturday. This may seem confusing but check this out : 2019 Braid Love Celebration was Saturday, July 27th two day before International

Registration will open in April, 2020

January 1

Health Coach.. coming July 2020